Practice Integration Services

Support for Physicians, Technicians and Clinical Administrators in the Successful Integration of Meridian Assessment into Your Practice

Practice Integration Services

Bring Thorough, Effective, Gentle Assessment and Care to Your Practice

There are many lenses with which to view a case depending on one's professional discipline and one's ultimate area of concern. As professionals we tend to have specialized lenses that yield only parts of the picture. It is for this reason that Meridian Assessment has found its way into many different practices. Meridian Assessment can apply most readily to Naturopathic Medicine, TCM Practice and Functional Medicine clinics. A metric of overall vitality, as well as system by system vitality, provides an increased ability to assess and monitor the patient, regardless of practice orientation and treatment strategy. All through gentle, effective, non-invasive means.
Bring Thorough, Effective, Gentle Assessment and Care to Your Practice

Smooth Transition to Game Changing Clinical Standards

It doesn't need to take years to get great results, but it does take substantial technical ability and know-how. Having the right training and support at the right time can alter the outcome entirely, as well as the timeframe in which it's achieved. Don't waste time on mediocre results or working with less than your fullest spectrum of capability. Learn how to integrate great means through specific concentrated study and support, achieving better results faster.
Smooth Transition to Game Changing Clinical Standards