A Clinic of Tomorrow, Today

Often the roots of today's health concerns are not made evident by conventional means of testing. It has become common practice to treat without knowing the root cause of illness and to attack the body's symptoms and leave the cause in place. Good medicine requires thorough investigation and analysis of results. Great medicine also requires gifted insight and an ability to see the unseen, to name the unnamed and to better understand cause. The principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine when combined with those of Homotoxicology and competent Meridian Assessment gives us a paradigm that investigates root cause from another perspective, a perspective that has been developed and maintained for thousands of years. It provides an invaluable component of assessment and suggested treatment protocols to any clinic that aspires to do the utmost for their patients; to solve rather than manage illness.
A Clinic of Tomorrow, Today

Energetic Assessment and Recalibration

The human body is energy first and physicality as a result. Assessing the energetic qualities of the meridian system in precise and thorough detail allows us a view into the human system that is unique and profound. It also allows us to comment on the body's energetic state and the relative influence of toxins, pathogens and essential nutrients upon the circuit in a line by line, system by system manner. Through such a lens the body's balance can be restored. Clinical efficiency and efficacy are the products of this approach as the process can be charted and monitored with exacting precision. The charting and imaging process is particularly helpful for clients to see their progress in a meaningful visual representation of their results.
Energetic Assessment and Recalibration

Training Both Sides of the Brain

In order to harness our fullest potential, individually and collectively, we need to work from both sides of our brain. Logic, deduction and linear thinking give us at best half of the available story. We are witnessing the exploitation of left-brain thinking ability through AI advancement, in ways never before imagined. AI will, as it has already proven, simply do it better, far better. Subtle awareness, intuition and feel are uniquely human faculties critical to the development, success and greatest potential of any science, so long as that science seeks to describe the miraculous. Providing the best care today requires the ability to access and draw from right-brain experience, to think outside the box, track root cause intuitively and see the biggest picture possible. Training the right-side of the brain requires another type of education.
Training Both Sides of the Brain

Meridian Assessment Technician Training and Mentorship

Explore the depth and breadth of Meridian Assessment theory through precise and thorough education. Eight online study modules provide in-depth theoretical knowledge while three practicum intensives cover proper technique and workflow. Modules within the online learning platform contain video, audio, textual and illustrated materials. Work through the monthly material over a weekend or at your own pace over the month. Modules must be taken in order, each is a prerequisite for the next. Contact us for full program details and to request an application link.
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Meridian Assessment Technician Training and Mentorship

Integrating Meridian Assessment Into Your Practice

Meridian Assessment is a deep and unique way of working that requires specialized skills at a number of clinic levels. By building on what has proven successful for past patients and clinics, our Integration Services allow you to skip years of trial and error to achieve clinical success from the start.
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Integrating Meridian Assessment Into Your Practice

Coming Soon

This year Tone Clinic Corporation will release two new online training programs, Intuitive Medicine Process and Field Theory. These online programs are built to be taken at your own pace with structured lessons and exercise components.
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Coming Soon

Online Training Modules